Friday, June 27, 2008

Evan's Birthday

So, today is Evan's 6th birthday. We didn't do anthing for him today, however, because we had a big honkin' party for him a couple of weekends ago when Mom was here. He has known for a while that he wanted it to be a tropical fish theme, so I was able to get decorations and such way in advance so I wouldn't be spending a fortune at the last minute. Thank goodness Anchorage actually has a really good party store. He had a really great time with friends from church and from school and it was AWESOME!!!!

Alaska WILDlife

So, A few weeks ago when Mom came to visit, Mom, the kids and I went to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center down the Seward Highway near Girdwood. It was my first trip down or up, for that matter, the Seward and it was gorgeous. What should have beena 45-50 trip took 1hour and 15 minutes. The ocean was on the right and beyond that and the all around us were the mountains and I just couldn't believe how beautiful and majestic these works were. To the left was mountain and rock wall that had the melting snow and ice falling out of it. Evan kept saying, Look, Nana!! Another waterfall. Did you see it? Did you see it?"

Then we got to the wildlife center and boy was it windy, but it was neat to see the animals. It was made up of animals from alaska and that were endangered somehow. My favorite were the wood bison, not to be confused with plains bison that we all know and love from Texas. They got so close to the fence and just stared us in the eye. There were also moose, elk, musk ox, black bear, reindeer, an eagle named Adonis and there were also brown bear, but they didn't wanted to see us I guess. They didn't come out. It was a really cool trip.