Thursday, November 27, 2008

Twilight...The MOVIE!!!

So........I really liked it.
My favorite scenes were when Rosalie smashed the salad bowl in her hands because Bella had already eaten and when Edward jumped across the room when he was kissing Bella because he was trying not to bite her and suck out her blood.
I am, however, a little annoyed with Kristen Stewart's performance at the end when Bella is in the hospital and freaks out on Edward when he tells her she should go to Jacksonville. I felt like it wasn't pointed enough, targeted enough, concentrated enough. I felt like it was all over the place and she should have like...I don't know...freaked out but maybe grabbed him at the same time so he couldn't get away. I think it would have gotten the point across better. I guess that's what I'm saying. I feel that way about all the scenes where she had to be frantic in some way.
I want to see it again so I can better like her perfomance throughout the movie, I guess.
All in all, I think it was a great adaptation and I can't wait for NEW MOON!!!


Linds said...

Ooh, I loved it too. I can't wait to see it again.

Alexa said...

I liked it a lot, too! Your kiddos are so cute in their Halloween costumes. Thanks for the updates! :)

Janine said...

I liked it too... my only complaint was that I thought Edward's voice was a little wimpy.... other than that, I enjoyed it :)