Monday, March 23, 2009

I know, I know...

So! Here's the big explanation. We went to Texas for Christmas. (Which was wonderful, by the way and there will be photos posted soon of that on here and on facebook.) After we got back I started feeling really bad all the time. I felt like I had the flu and I couldn't shake it to save my life. I was sleeping as much as the kids and James would allow me to. I would sleep throughout the whole day and in between voice and piano lessons. Some of those would even get cancelled because I felt so bad sometimes. Anyway, about 2 weeks ago I had a check-up for my thyroid condition and did some blood work that morning prior to the appointment. Low and behold, I have Diabetes and have had it for at least 3 months. That is why I had been feeling so bad. All the things I was feeling are symptoms of high blood sugar and Type II diabetes. It wasn't a big surprise. Both Mom and Dad have Type II and there is a long line in my dad's side who have it too. But it was a shock. I'm not quite 30 yet and I already got it. However, I have been saying for about 10 years that I get everything Mom has, just 10 to 15 years before she got it.
So there we are. I am taking meds, exercising and eating differently and better. No insulin shots so far and hopefully I won't have to. The medicine seems to help and I totally know what it feels like when I eat the wrong things and my blood sugar gets too high. It almost puts me out of commision now. I will not be doing that very often if ever. I have already started to lose weight and that is REALLY nice. Thanks for everyone's concern. Love y'all very much.


Shari said...

Oh, it is so good to have you back! I was about to call your mom and ask if Alaska had fallen off the edge of the world! Glad you are feeling better--alot can be said for eating right and exercise! Can't wait to see your pics of Christmas--speaking of Crhistmas, WE HAD SNOW TODAY!

Alexa said...

Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but glad you know what was wrong now. I hope diet, exercise, and meds do the trick for you. I'm glad you're back!

B Flat Major said...

Wow. That is terrible news! Glad to hear you've figured out the problem and are on the mend, though.

Linds said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Hope it stays that way. And glad to have you back on the radar.